Chagaide – Don’t be ashamed of Dupade

 Ca uacuñéngo chajéngome Dupade to

Dupade is different from us human beings:
 If any of you say you believe in Dupade, don’t be ashamed of him. For Dupade is not like us human beings at all, and he’s not like the rich/important people of the world, he is different than we are.

We must enter the vehicle that takes us to Dupade: 
Some of you have surrendered completely to Dupade. I don’t know, but let’s say to reach Dupade in the future one must enter the vehicle that takes you to him; if the owner won’t let you ride in it, you won’t be able to get into the vehicle that takes you to Dupade.

We cannot buy tickets to heaven: 
When Dupade’s words have truly gotten into people’s hearts, they are completely taken up with him. When Dupade arrives in the future, a rich person might say to him: “Here’s my money, I’m going with you.”  

We can only go to heaven by believing in Dupade: 
Dupade’s words explain, however, that anyone who wants to go with Him must believe in Him! It might be a truck, or it could be a plane, but whatever it is, if the owner forbids it, you can’t ride in it, and it will be like that when Dupade arrives. It’s like that with other things that we, in vain, might want, if the owner forbids something, then it’s impossible for us to have it.  

Talk with Dupade and don’t be ashamed of Him: 
Those of you who are completely taken up with Dupade are true believers. So, talk to Dupade and don’t be ashamed, don’t be bashful about praying.

Dupade includes young and old in his family: 
As if Dupade is such a one who would say: Handsome young men and beautiful young women are who I want. Just the opposite! Old men, even the very old, will accompany Dupade if that person believes in Him. Dupade includes us with those he chooses when we believe in him. 

I’m very thankful for every village in the world where Dupade’s words are taught, all those villages. I’m thankful for all those villages in the world. Dupade’s words are in Tobité, they are in Pailón, they’re in the place where don Len is living, they are in Zapocó, they are in Ayoré villages in the outskirts of Santa Cruz, and they are in other countries. They are in Paraguay also, beyond us here in Rincón, they are in Pajeidé’s town. I’m very thankful for all these villages where Dupade’s words are read and where both Cojñone and Ayoréos tell us about what Dupade’s words say. That’s all. 

Dupade – God 
Dupade’s Words – God’s Word 
Ayoréos – Ayoré people 
Cojñone – Non-Ayoré people 

Chagaide – Rincón de Tigre, Bolivia – 1970
Transcribed by: Janet Briggs
Translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.