Cajoidé – Invitation to play Jobedayé

Pajñaminone – Jobedayé

This game involves dancing, and, according to Cajoidé, doesn’t have any significance other than having fun. The word *jobedayé has to do with making a circle and grabbing hands.

The invitation to play is:  “Come on, let’s play jobedayé!” They group up and then they all join hands and sing. The young boys and young girls keep changing  partners.

The married men that still like to play join in, but not the women.

There’s lots of noise like the noise when young men play soccer. They can play ‘jobedayé’ in the dry or rainy season.

When they play ‘jobedayé’ they follow certain rules. They play on nights when it stays light out. A good place to play it is in the center of the village because it’s a game the people like to watch.

They take turns singing.

They play it because it’s a fun game to play, a sort of celebration for when things are going well.

Cajoide – Campo Loro, Paraguay – 1985
Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie