Cajoidé – Touch Game played in teams

Pajñaminone – Pachiapídode – Ore Chachẽre Ñane

Touch Game

The invitation to play is:  “Go to the center of the village and we’ll play touch.”

When the teams are formed there are two young men for each older man. *Acháidode means teams. When they have formed their teams they say: “Now that we have our teams we can play.”

While still in play they are referred to as alive, when they are ‘out,’ they are referred to as dead.

When a person is ‘touched’ they say, He got him!

The object of the game, besides winning prizes, is to keep in fit condition. The losers give the winners from their possessions, or they hunt honey for the winners. Among the things given would be:  bags, gourds, rope, honey gourds, tapir hide shoes.

If they bring in honey for the winners this is what they say when they give it to him: “Here’s the honey, you earned it.”

Cajoide – Campo Loro, Paraguay – 1985.

Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.