Dajuñangue – I love the stories of my fellow women

Yirasique yujodie chequei ojñane 

I like to hear testimonies:
I love it when my fellow women stand before us and give their testimonies. I don’t know if you who are my fellow believers enjoy this also, but I do. I like to hear the stories they tell about themselves. I’m also happy that we are increasing in number in our meetings.  

 My husband doesn’t yet believe in Dupade:
But, my fellow women, I want you to know that, while I’m happy, there are other things that I am not happy about. Guess why that is, my fellow women, that I am happy, but, at the same time, not happy? If you truly know Dupade’s Word, then you probably know why I am not happy. I am both happy and not so happy; is this how it is with you also? 

I’m happy, because I believe in Dupade with all my heart. But this is what I am not happy about, my husband doesn’t believe in Dupade. It would be so much better if all my family were sincerely following Dupade – my husband, my children, and myself.  

I used to always say: ‘I’m so tired of Pujnúcabi throwing away our money on cigarettes. I’m asking you, my fellow women who believe in Dupade, to join me in praying for my husband to stop smoking.’   

I don’t know if any of you, my companions, feel like I do about cigarettes – but I hate them. I’m afraid of people when they get drunk, also. I don’t like them to get near me.  

Don’t be bashful about giving your testimonies:
It is a good thing when you give your testimonies, and a good thing not to be bashful about it. Know that it is Satan that makes you feel shy, and to waver in your faith. He tries to keep us away from Dupade’s Word. I’ve already told you how happy I was a few weeks ago, when I heard the news that you were going to be giving your testimonies, and I was so happy with what you had to say.  

We were out in the woods, and I kept thinking about getting back, so I could attend church. I would think about being among you but was too far away to attend. But Dupade was in my heart.  

Sometimes we make “gods” of the new things we want:
I don’t know if you ever think about this, but sometimes we make “gods” of the things we want. When we get something new we get so excited and happy. We should be excited and happy about Dupade, but instead, our things take Dupade’s place in our hearts.  

That is all I have to say, but I would like to pray for us first. Bow your heads and I will pray for us here in our meeting. Elena, this is the end of my words, and now I will pray to Dupade 

I’m grateful, Dupade, that you care for us:
Our Dupade, we pray to you today at our Friday meeting. I thank you, and we are happy that we are going to hear your Word today. Our Dupade, I am not ashamed to share your Word with my companions who are true believers. I am not ashamed of your Word even when others laugh at us.  

Our Dupade, I am grateful that you take care of us here on earth wherever we go. We are gathered together once again, we women as well as the men. But, our Dupade, we pray for the women who are not here with us, those who are not yet interested in your Word. Give them a hunger for your Word and a desire to hear it. Only you and your Word are what we want, because it is sweet to us, our Dupade.  

Our Dupade, I thank you for helping us to grow in our understanding of your Word. Help us not to forget the things our teachers have taught us about you. Our Dupade, you said, “Whoever is ashamed of me, I will also be ashamed of that person when I return to earth.” This is what you said a long time ago when you were here on earth. 

Dupade, help my fellow women and myself to love your Word, our Dupade. We know that there are many of us who do not pay attention to your Word, but I do not know why, because I know that your Word is not something unimportant. Instead, it is powerful. When you were on earth, you even raised the dead with your Word, our Dupade. There is no other person who has raised a dead person, only you can do this. 

Our Dupade, thank you for healing Teresa. You saw that she was ill, and you cured her. There is no one else who can cure the sick; you alone can heal us. 

Thank you that we hear your Word every day, both men and women. 

Dupade, we pray for these things in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Dupade – God

Dajuñángue – Tobite, Bolivia – August 1975
Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.