Cotade – I gave myself to Dupade

“Offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you should offer.” (Romans 12:1)

Cotadé says:
I wanted to give myself to Dupade. To give myself to Him and hold nothing back.

Cotadé’s baptism:
I will never forget when don Juan and German (Sherman Miller) planted my eyes in the water long ago.

What Cotadé didn’t like about herself:
I loved Dupade’s Word. But I had something I didn’t like and that was that I never prayed, even though I loved his Word. But for some reason, I never prayed to Dupade, even though I loved him. But just recently I “sold” myself to Dupade. I wanted access to Dupade and to know he was available to me. I wanted Dupade to open a way for me to reach him after I’d given myself over to him.

I didn’t like myself very much because I wasn’t talking to Dupade, but maybe, now that I’ve surrendered to him, I will pray. I want to draw near to Dupade. I want Dupade to grow inside of me.

Cotadé’s husband disapproved of her going to church:
Ujai didn’t like me going to meetings, but I would say: “You’re not me and I am different from you, so I go.”

But then, Ujai would want to go to meetings with me. But lately he hasn’t been going. One day he’ll want Dupade’s Word also. At least he’s open to it and likes it now. He used to be very opposed to it.

Cotadé is happier with herself now that she prays:
There is nothing I don’t like about Dupade. I love him. That is because I now talk to him.

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

Dupade – God

Cotadé – Tobité, Bolivia – August 1975
Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie
Scripture portions added.