Ecarai – I Want Your Word To Be Hot Inside Me

I want your Word to be hot inside me 

Yigaidi tu jeta baruode jũrua iji yajei Ecarai 

Ecarai prays: 

Yoqui-Dupade, you are the only one that knows everything. Therefore, I’m grateful to you today that you can make your word to be hot inside us. And then, we will give ourselves completely to you, Yoqui-Dupade. But help us here in our village, the women, the men, all of us, to have faith in you, Yoqui-Dupade. Increase the faith inside us so that we might not be lazy in our prays. Yoqui-Dupade, I pray about everything – about the food we eat because of your generosity to Ayoreos, Cojñone all of us everywhere on earth where you show yourself strong on our behalf. Dupade, you are the only One that gives your strength to us. Dupade, help us to open the ears of our hearts to your Word. We know that your Word says: “If a person is lazy about studying my Word, about serving me, I will spit him out.” (Revelation 3:16) 

That’s why I am asking you to work in our hearts right now so that when we talk to you, our prayers will be refreshing to you with nothing ugly in them. However, your Word also says, “If a person mixes other things into his prayers, I will vomit them up.” 

Therefore, I ask all these things in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.  

Paul’s asks Dupade to heal him: 

I don’t just study Dupade’s Words to tell you about them, but I study them to know what Dupade says. And what I’ve learned about God’s believer Paul, who lived long ago, is that he prayed for Dupade to heal him. And he talked to Dupade for three whole days.  

But it happened that Dupade heard his prayers. He said: “Why do you keep on talking to me about this?” It’s just that Dupade wasn’t going to give him strength. 

If one of you is suffering, if any of us is suffering, but that person has been chosen by Dupadewhoever that person might be, he might be suffering because Dupade is allowing it so that he won’t look back at the things of this world. 

Therefore, Paul asked: “Yoqui-Dupade, why don’t you answer my prayers, for I’m continually asking you to heal me?” 

But Dupade said, “Why is it that just my love is not enough for you?” 

You know that the people almost killed Paul, but Dupade removed Paul from them. When Paul remember this he said: “That’s right. I think it was Dupade who saved me so that he could protect me from the Cojñone. How could I stop following Dupade? And how could I have rescued myself from them on my own?” 

Dupade is faithful, and he wants a man to be healthy spiritually by reading his Word and believing it. But sometimes when a man is healthy physically, he stops being concerned about his spiritual health and stops reading Dupade Uruode. Then he doesn’t find the beauty of Dupade.  

That’s how it was with Paul, he didn’t believe in Dupade in the beginning. He was proud; and loved being a healthy person. If he could trust Dupade while being a healthy person, then Dupade would have kept him in good health. 

Now you know that Dupade hated Paul’s sin of going after Christians to kill them, so he took away his sight. He did that so that he would believe in Dupade. Afterwards, however, Paul was strong again, but those that hated Dupade began to persecute Paul – they whipped him so harshly that Paul suffered great pain, but he knew that it wasn’t Dupade doing it, it was men. He said: “I think it’s true that when I am healthy, I might be happier about my health than about Dupade. I might be happier about earthly things, and might stop following Dupade, and go away from him,” this is what Paul said. 

But Dupade’s Word doesn’t say too much about our being healthy physically. If you are healthy, continue to trust in Dupade, and don’t refuse yourself to Dupadebut serve him. But Dupade’sWords are very true that say to us: one of us might be happy about his health and then stop following Dupade and turn away from him. 

But Dupade’s Word doesn’t teach us to be that way. Dupade’s Word says this: “If you are healthy, don’t let being healthy kill your need for Dupade Uruode. And if you get sick while obeying and serving God, don’t worry about being sick, God will take care of you.” 

Ecarai uses Hezekiah’ prayer to illustrate his teaching. (2 Kings 20:1-11) 

There are many who believe in Dupade that are sick. One of the kings of Israel said: “Dupade, I’m not asking you to heal me, but I’m asking to die right now,” he said, “that I might reach your city. Please remember,” he said, “that I didn’t keep my people away from me. Remember how I always shared whatever food I had with them,” he said. “I’m not asking you to heal me, I only ask you to remember the things I did for others.”  

 He felt sorry for himself. He went to a corner of his house and went to sleep. He put himself into the corner of his house. He lost all hope of recovering. But I think what Dupade wanted was for him to tell Dupade he wasn’t happy. But when he least expected it, Dupade’s words reached him and said: “Your prayers have reached me in heaven,” he said, “but I’m not going to send death to you at all,” he said, “I’m going to extend years to your life, and the years will finish off my foot,” he said. 

Dupade hears our prayers, but answers them according to his will, not ours: 

And it’s true that we might greatly desire that Dupade give us something. If it’s not Dupade’s will, however, he doesn’t give it to us. Someone might say: “Dupade, heal me and I’ll serve you. Dupade, erase the sickness from my body and I’ll serve you.” That might not be what he says at all. He might say, “Yoqui-Dupade, I’m dying,” he says, “if I truly believe in you,” he says, “then remember me when I go to jnaropié, the place of the dead.” 

But Dupade was moved by Hezekiah’s prayers to him and changed the amount of years he would live. It might be four years more for some people. But he increases the years and the person won’t go to heaven as a young man, even thought he hasn’t asked Dupade to heal him.  

Ecarai uses what happened to Moses’ sister Miriam to illustrate his teaching: (Numbers 12:1-14) 

Moses’ sister said: “I’m so tired of our people listening only to what you have to say, little brother,” she said. “For a long time, I’ve been telling my people that we shouldn’t listen to you any more.”  

And to tell the truth, there are still Dupade’s believers that people are fed up with. They seem to like hating us who believe in Dupade and who take Dupade’s Words to other places. They tire of our teaching. And they’re tired of their fellow believers who listen to us. But Dupade is aware of the women who hate us, and the men who are against us. 

Therefore, Moses’ sister said: “I’m so fed up with my countrymen doing everything Moses tells them to do.” But Dupade saw her and heard her words against her brother and he sent a skin disease upon her and she was covered with sores.  

Her brother made her leave the camp. And she was alone in the darkness.  

And she remembered, and she said, “It is what I did to startle my brother that has caused this sickness. Because of my harsh behavior, he threw me out of the camp where people dwell.” She crossed through the darkness in her aloneness.  

If you truly believe in Dupade don’t grow weary of talking to him. Don’t use ugly words about DupadeDupade’s Word says: “Don’t ever consider yourself to be Dupade.” 

When his sister cursed her brother, Dupade cursed her. But worse, he sent her into the darkness all alone to sleep.  

And it could happen to any one of us in the future if that person abandons Dupade, he might find himself walking back and forth, facing the things that are in Satan’s land, sick and suffering.  

If we believe in Dupade, we will know that we believe in Dupade. But Dupade’s Word explains that if you believe in him, don’t show contempt for Dupade behind his back.  

Therefore, Dupade’s Word warns us: “Whoever makes fun of or dishonors my name or belittles what I am going to do in the future, that person will suffer for it.” 

That is why I say these things to you, and I’ve told you about two who suffered according to Dupade’s Word. 

Why doesn’t Dupade give us what we ask for? 

Paul is a good example of this. Another good example is the king that was suffering, and he talked to Dupade, and Dupade didn’t disapprove of what he’d done, and he extended additional years to his life.  

And then there’s us: one of us might talk to Dupade about his sicknesses. He might tell Dupade what he wants, but if it’s not Dupade’s will, he won’t give it to that person. But then, that person speaks badly about Dupade Wordsand Dupade says: “I knew what would happen, I was just waiting for that,” God would say. 

 Dupade says, a person’s prayers could be likened to a sharp knife. For you know that if someone prays for Dupade to give some beautiful thing to him, Dupade might say, “No, I think if I give it to you, you’ll be too pleased with it,” he will say. 

And Dupade is like a man whose children have knives. Their mothers don’t want them to have knives, because they don’t yet know how to use them. I don’t believe there is a mother anywhere that hasn’t warned her child about sneaking a knife! 

A person picks up a knife and a woman might say, “It’s going to cut you!” 

And a child that won’t listen to his mother ends up cutting his arm or another part of his body! And when that happens, his mother scolds him and says: “You know I warned you about that yesterday, but you never listen to me!” 

And that is what Dupade will say. If Dupade grants a person’s prayer and gives him the pretty little thing he wants, and then the person stops following Him, Dupade will say, “I knew you would do that.” (Psalm 106:15) 

You know how it was with Paul. If Dupade had given him strength and he would have stopped serving Dupade then Dupade would have said to him, “I already knew that he would stop following me. (2 Corinthians 12:7-9) 

Therefore, I’m telling us to remember that Dupade isn’t quick to give us all the things we want. First, he wants to see if we really believe in him. Someone among us might pray and ask Dupade: “Give me some really beautiful clothes, and lots of money.” 

But Dupade would examine carefully all the corners of that prayer. If Dupade sees that the person making the request is sincere, and that it will help him to do what Dupade wants him to do, then Dupade will gladly give it to him. On the other hand, someone may be teaching Dupade’s Word in old clothes even though he fears it might give the wrong impression, but he goes on preaching and doesn’t ask Dupade for anything – for clothing, or money, or food. Dupade sees he uses whatever he has, and Dupade says, “I’m going to give it to him.” 

And then there is another kind of person that serves Dupade, but his motives are not pure. He only serves Dupade to have things provided for him. And Dupade says: “I think giving him the things he lusts after, he will take them and go on his way, or he’ll find excuses for not having time to serve me.” 

You know that there are many of Dupade’s believers these days that have stopped following Dupade and no longer have anything to do with Him. They say they are tired of asking Dupade for the things they want and not getting them. But Dupade knows they are just trying to get things from him, they talk to him but just to ask for things, and he doesn’t give them what they ask for. (James 4:3) 

You know how people say: “Oh, Dupade’s so far off!” But Dupade never forgets. Many believers have stopped following Him but Dupade never gives up on them. There are still many believers, though, for whom Dupade’s Word is food, and they partake of it faithfully, always reading his Word. Now, whose are the ones that are true believers. 

We know that Dupade is always watching over his believers all over the world. He is careful of his believers and watches all about them. Therefore, I encourage us to be careful to pray to our Father Dupade when we have needs. And stop saying, “Dupade lies. He says he’ll answer us, but he doesn’t give me the things we want for ourselves.” 

Never stop coming to Dupade. He looks to see how sincere you are about the things you want, and if they will help you do the important things he has for you to do. That’s how it was long ago when I wanted to serve Dupade, and the day finally came when I did what his Word told me to do, and I’m still preaching his Word.  

This is the meaning of Dupade’s Words. He says: “Whoever is tired of my Word, his faith is cold inside of him and he neglects my Word. 

Ecarai tells the story of a man carrying Dupade’s Word in his hands as he climbs a mountain: 

You can see that while we are here on earth we are in Satan’s land, and that is why we need to be united as believers in Dupade. Here on earth, believers fall into sin. But they stand up again when they remember their faith in Dupade.  

I have often reminded you about the story of a person that was on the way to heaven, and Dupade’s believers counseled him and said: “On this journey, you will come to high mountains. Be sure you don’t go to sleep on the way to the mountain peak.” But when the person finally reached the mountains and started to climb, he got so tired his legs shook, so he lay down and went to sleep. And when he got up to begin climbing again he left the Word of Dupade on the ground where he had fallen asleep.  

But the Word of Dupade doesn’t tell us to go to sleep on our way to heaven, or to lose sight of Dupade’s Word.  The things we did in the past are in the past and we can’t go back. 

It’s said that this believer in Dupade left and reached a landmark of theirs. Then he remembered that he went to sleep and left Dupade Uruode on the ground. He had gone a long way and he said, “In the morning, I’m going back for Dupade Uruode.  

But he couldn’t go back again. That’s because Dupade’s Word doesn’t tell us to forget it and after a long time go back to it wherever we were when we left it.  

Ecarai talks to us about Satan’s temptations: 

When the Ayoreos reach a landmark, they say, “This is where I killed a jaguar in the past.” And they fear that place because of the lions and tigers and they turn back and don’t stay there. But Dupade’s Word never tells us to fear the lions. 

The lions are Satan’s temptations – he puts these lions of temptation in a person’s path. “These lions prevent the way to Dupade’s city. I’m not going to get there,” that person says. But if a person ignores the teeth of the lions, looking past them to his destination, he will, as intended, reach it. By this we know that Satan’s temptations are many here on this earth. 

And when one of us pays attention to these temptations of Satan’s, it shows that he has forgotten Dupade Uruode somewhere on the mountain top. 

If you believe in Dupade, you should try to read Dupade Uruode. There’s a possibility, that if we do that, we will grow in the knowledge of it, and be able to share it with others right here in our earthly village. 

How thankful I am that throughout Dupade’s written Word we find all kinds of things. All the things I want, or need are there in his Word. If one of you is concerned about your spiritual life, you should really listen to Dupade’s written Word and then you will learn about what Dupade disapproves of. You’ll also learn about the things Dupade approves of. Then you can talk to your Father Dupade and tell him your sins and Dupade will forgive them. Dupade’s Word says: “If you are persecuted by Cojñone, or by Ayoreos be assured of this, I will never say to you, ‘Go away, I hate you.” (John 6:37) 

Dupade says he will forgive those who persecute others. He even forgave those who killed him. Therefore, we know this about Dupade Uruode, there is nothing greater than Dupade’s Word. We know that Satan gave himself credit for Jesus’ death and for his burial. But he didn’t remember what Jesus said, “Even though I die, after three days I will live again.” 

Because of this we know that Dupade is greater than all these things. He’s greater than your sins, as well. He’s greater than the things of this world and greater than all that pertains to Satan in his realm. Even if your sins are very ugly, don’t say: “I’m too ashamed to go to Dupade. I don’t think Dupade would forgive the kind of sins that I have committed.” 

Dupade saw Satan when His son died, and when he was buried, but his Son lived again. And while in the grave, Jesus left the grave and went to jnaropiéthe place of the dead, to tell Dupade’s Words to those who were there. He reached jnaropié before coming out of the grave to come to us humans, who Dupade was concerned about. The days he was among us finished off two ayoréos. By this we know that Dupade is greater than everything else. So, don’t say, “Dupade, I don’t think you can erase my sins, and that’s why I’m not confessing them to you.” 

I’ve just returned from being with some Ayoré people. Even though they are all Ayoreos, they are filled with anger, and they spoke angrily to me in the city of the Cojñone, where people are always fighting. They think that their anger will overcome those that oppose their endeavors. 

But the one who is most powerful is truly Dupade, and he proved himself in many ways. Once Dupade’s believers came to a river. The water parted, and they crossed over at the close of the day. They were at war, but their enemies could not overcome them. They traveled through a sandy land, but they were not thirsty. They went through a desert but didn’t die of thirst because Dupade was greater than all these things. 

They looked forward to having honey and Dupade provided it. They looked forward to game, and Dupade sent game their way. And we know that Dupade could overcome every obstacle for them – even wars, even sin, even thievery.  

You can see that Dupade would be disgusted with the terrible things they did, but then he would save them and place them once again in the light of day. 

Ecarai shares Dorcas’s testimony:  

There was a woman who’s name I can’t remember. In the language of the Cojñone and in Ayoré her name meant Deer. When she died the people missed her. They missed the good things she did for them. They missed her kindness and generosity. But Dupade took his power and sent one of his servants to her and she came back to life.  And we know from this that Dupade is greater that all things, even death. (Acts 9:36) 

Ecarai tells about Eutychus: 

The Bible tells us about a young man that died when he fell from a window high up in the building. But Dupade healed him with his power, and he lived again. (Acts 20:9-12) 

I tell you this because it shows just how powerful Dupade is. Whoever it is that won’t confess his sin to Dupade because he thinks Dupade could not forgive such sin as his is lying when he says: “Dupade says he forgives, but he doesn’t forgive sin as great as mine.”  

But if someone doesn’t want to give up his sin, and goes right on sinning and disobeying Dupade, then, Dupade won’t do anything for him. 

Dupade’s Word tells us that Jesus said: “Whoever comes to me I will never send him away. I’ll never say: ‘Go away. I don’t want you, because you are a sinner.’”  

Dupade’s Word says: “Now is the time to tell me your sins.” I want you to know that Dupade’s Word explains that we should help each other. If you are strong believers in Dupade’s Word, you should go to Dupade’s believers for help, and they can bring you back to Dupade.  

This is all I have to explain about Dupade’s Word this morning, but we know that Dupade’s Word is always available to whoever wants to hear it. And whoever wants to be forgiven for the sin he has committed against us, Dupade will help us to help him. 

We have the words that Paul wrote to the Corinthians that say: “If your people have stopped sinning, then, even though I am not with you in person, I forgive that person’s sin on the authority that Dupade has given me.” 


Dupade – God  

Yoqui-Dupade – Our God 

Finished off my foot – Fifteen 

Jnaropié – Place of the dead 

Finished off two ayoréos  Forty 

Cojñone – People not Ayoreos 

Dupade Uruode – The Scriptures, the Bible 

Ecarai – Tobité, Bolivia – 1970’s. 

Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.