Comai – A Place to learn about Dupade’s Words

Dupade Uruode jogadi cuse to

Comai’s Introduction:

I am thankful tonight for the news about our friends, the Guidaigosode that our friend Davídé (also called Ecarai) has shared with us – news coming from the Guidaigosode’s village. I am also thankful to know that you Guidaigosode now attend where Dupade’s words are taught. And I’m thankful to hear that you now have a place to learn about Dupade’s words. We always pray for you that you will hear Dupade’s words and pay attention to them and believe in Dupade also.

 Dupade’s words are true, they are not the words of a human being.

We know you can hardly understand the teaching of the Cojñone, for their understanding of the Ayoré language is not very good yet. But what they want is what we want – and that is to tell you about Dupade’s words. We all want you to understand Dupade’s words. We want you to understand that what we tell you is not our own words, but Dupade’s words. We only want to tell you what we understand, that only Dupade’s words are true. They are not the words of humans. But Dupade’s words.

We pray for you to do Dupade’s words, also. I want to see you one day and to teach you about Dupade’s words face to face. I’d like to give you my testimony and assure you that Dupade’s words are true. Dupade wants all of us Ayoréos to stop our former ways. He wants us to stop sinning. He wants us to follow him and to believe in him, and to do everything he asks us to do.

Dupade created the world long ago by means of his power:

We know that no human person knows how the earth was made. But we know that human beings did not make it. It’s all in Dupade’s words, which state that the earth and everything in it was made by Dupade in the beginning. It tells us that in the beginning before there were humans or animals that Dupade made the earth by his power.

Dupade divided the darkness and made light appear:

Dupade made this earth in the beginning, and in six days he completed everything. In the beginning, it says, Dupade saw that this earth was completely dark. So Dupade divided the darkness and pushed it together. And in the part where it had been daylight appeared. Dupade made everything so that we humans would not wonder how the earth was made. Dupade made daylight so that humans could work and travel around and serve Him. On the other hand, he made the night so that we people could rest and sleep.

In the beginning, after making daytime and night time, they both occurred as a day. He separated the day so that at night we would sleep and rest. But Dupade’s words tell us that the only thing that could be seen in the beginning was water.

Dupade divided the water that covered the earth and made dry land appear:

This is not just my words, but they are Dupade’s words for us to read. It says that there was only water long ago. It says that only water was seen on earth. It completely covered the ground, but then Dupade made the water split. And that is how He split the water that covered the earth with the intent of keeping it in one place. All the different water conduits – the rivers, the lakes, the pools, Dupade made water run into them, and they all flowed toward one place. And that is how Dupade made dry land appear. And Dupade finished these things that he did.

Now the water no longer covers the whole earth because of these things that Dupade did. Even today, when we people see what He has created we don’t doubt who did it because we can see it still.

Dupade brought all the water together and the other part of it is still in the places, like rivers, that Dupade made for the water to enter. And then it was that the ground was dry, and the real earth could now be seen. Dupade completed the rivers, and the dry earth.  Our dwelling place, the earth, the world, was now made.

Dupade made things to grow upon the earth we dwell on:

And Dupade saw it all and said that the dry ground was good for plants to bloom in. And then Dupade created fruit-bearing trees to come out of the dry ground. Everything that grows was made by Him. And that’s how it was that on the dry land of this world there was a dwelling place for us.

Dupade made the animals also:

Dupade also made the animals in the world, all the different kinds of animals. They were made by Dupade. Dupade wanted the earth he had created to be inhabited. So he made animals. Notice what Dupade’s word’s say: Dupade made all the animals that walk on the earth. And that is how it is that we people see all kinds of animals even today. Dupade made the trees to have fruit so that the animals could eat. And the ground he also made so that the humans who would come after the animals could work it and we could make our gardens, so we could eat.

After making all the animals, then it was that Dupade finished this earth. He saw this earth and the animals he had finished making. And Dupade, it’s said, wanted there to be humans also along with all the animals on earth.

Dupade made the first man, and that young man was just like us:

Dupade, it’s said, cut into the ground. He began to form the ground to make a man from it. It’s said, he made the man from this soil moistened with his saliva and he formed each member of the man’s body: his hands, his arms, his shoulders, his face, and it’s said he then gave him life. But afterwards Dupade blew into the man’s nostrils and put a living soul into him. And this is how Dupade finished making the first man, and that young man was just like us.

He was a grown man and his name was Adam. The first young man was made by Dupade from the earth he had made, the same earth where we dwell. All of us humans have descended from the young man that Dupade made first, named Adam. Dupade blew breath into his nostrils and gave him a mind and made him a living soul. Our state of being intelligent human beings started in the beginning and continues to this very day. And from that time Adam was always concerned with all the animals Dupade made.

Dupade said it would be good for the man to have someone like himself:

Adam was to make names for all the animals that Dupade created. And ever since that time we have terms for the different animals. And afterwards Dupade looked at all the animals he had made. They went around together, in vain. Then he saw that the animals paired up male with female. And they continued to stay together. And they were content to be with each other, and travel together. And they interacted together and were content to be with those of their own kind.

And Dupade said: “It would be a good thing for the man to have someone to help him also, someone like himself to talk to. And to go about with him. Someone to relate to.” I have told all about this, how that Dupade made animals male and female so that the animals could multiply in number and fill the earth.

Dupade made a wife for the man he had made:

Therefore, Dupade gave us, in posterity, to the first man, our forefather named Adam. Adam slept. The first young man, the first human Dupade made, that person went to sleep. Then, while he was sleeping, Dupade took a rib out of him. And from that rib, Dupade made a woman. In this way Dupade provided a woman to be the first man’s companion, the woman he made from his rib. Then it was that when Dupade finished making the woman, the man woke up and got up from his bed.

And it’s said he saw the woman who was beside him, he was very pleased with the woman. Dupade said to the first man: “This person is your helper.” That’s what Dupade said.

“You will join him,” Dupade said to the woman. “I have made you from the rib that I took out of the man, and you will do everything the young man does. Love each other,” he said to them. “Get along and don’t hurt each other. I want you to multiply in number so that there will be many people on earth just like you.”

Dupade put the things he made into the proper environments:

This is how Dupade made this earth and the things in it. But let’s go back and I will explain something else to you. Dupade, it’s said, had a purpose for the things he made, he didn’t just make them for nothing. He wanted in the beginning for all the creatures he made to have the proper environments and all the things they needed.

And so it was that Dupade made every kind of environment (land) to have creatures dwelling in it. He looked at the water but saw that there were no creatures belonging to it, and so he made fish; the water was the environment for the fish. And Dupade created all the other creatures that needed water for their environment. Besides the various kinds of fish, he created: crocodiles, alligators, beavers, webbed foot mammals, all these types of animals and many more.

Dupade, it’s said, made these animals to have as their land the ground, so that the things he had finished making would all have their own environments.

Dupade, it’s said, later made things whose environment would be the sky, the birds that fly in the sky, all of them. There were many birds, but they were not alike. Dupade also made the animals who considered the ground their land.

Every environment had creatures to dwell in it:

Dupade made the moon so that it would provide light for humans and animals all of them, and for the whole world at night. Dupade made the sun for the day so that it would provide light for people during the day, just as he made the moon to shine on the earth and its people at night. Everything Dupade created was part of the environment that Dupade knew the creatures would need. There was every kind of environment. Therefore, Dupade and us have all observed these things up till this very day.

These were all things Dupade created by his words and there is no way that he would lie about it. Dupade is very truthful.

Dupade created day, and it’s the same type of day we see even today, daytime was made so we people could see things. When we consider all the things Dupade made that still exist today, we know that Dupade’s words are very true for we are still seeing the things just like he created them.

All things have one creator who is Dupade, the only true God:

We humans could not possibly have made this earth. Dupade made it. It’s Dupade’s creation. He made the night, the same night we still have during which we all sleep. Dupade made the daytime. The very daylight that makes it possible for us to see things even today. Dupade made the earth. This very earth. The earth that we humans have as our environment. Dupade created the tall trees whose heads we see above us that belong to the woods. The animals we see today were all made by Dupade. And the very first man that Dupade made, that’s us, for we have all descended from him and the woman that Dupade gave to make him complete. And all of us have been born of women; the women that have descended from the first woman have filled the earth with people and we continue filling it.

We people on this earth did not come from somewhere else; we did not come to earth from some other place. We humans do not have any other source. Our only source is Adam, the first man that Dupade made long ago, and from Eve, the woman Dupade made. She is ‘our mother,’ the mother of all humans. And ‘our father’ is Adam, all of us humans. Whether we are Ayoreos or Cojñone, we have all descended from the first man, the first human that Dupade made.

The very first environment of the first man and his wife was Dupade’s Garden:

Afterward creating all these things, Dupade took the first humans, Adam, and Eve, into his garden. Dupade placed everything they would need within reach until they would develop strength to provide for themselves, Dupade placed them in his garden because it had all they would need. Dupade would come to them, to these first humans that he had made. The ones that he had placed in his garden. All the food that they would need he put before them. All the things he thought to create for them were there. He wanted them to be happy and to thrive, and to not forget that Dupade was the one who had created them. In the beginning they did everything Dupade told them to do, they didn’t miss a thing. Even things that were new to them they did because their ears were open to doing what Dupade wanted them to do.


Dupade – God

Dupade’s Words – God’s Word

Guidaigosode – People Group in Paraguay

Cojñone – Non-Ayore people, white people

Ears were open – Obedient

Comai Zapoco, Bolivia – 1960.

Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.