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Warriors of long ago:
Orobojnai: One of his daughters was Sabaide; he was of the Jnuruminórone Clan, powerful in battle.
Cojnáinené: He was of the Cutamurajane Clan, powerful in battle. They were fierce warriors.
*Yujátadé: He was of the Cutamurajane Clan and was one of their first leaders.
Baráiyudé: He was a Cutamurajai and lived at the same time as Yujátadé, and was his companion.
Ijnacuréguei: His name meant One Palm. He was a Picanerai, a valient fighter.
Garajade: His name meant Twins. He was of the Dosapei Clan.
Jnañoroné: He was of the Dosapei Clan, a fierce warrior.
Diguinórone Ũrui: His name meant Victim of a Snake. He was of the Cutamuraja Clan and a warrior.
Jané: He was of the Posõrajane Clan and a warrior.
More Recent Warriors:
Chogaide Picanerai: He was a fierce fighter.
Juricai: When his name was Juricai he was very good; before that he was called Chogaide and at that time he was really bad. (It was like it was with Saul who was a killer, but after he stopped killing, he was called Paul.)
Dutagaidé: His name meant ‘Black Ant’. He was of the Chiquenoi Clan, and a fierce warrior.
Gatócoréone: He was a Dosapec, and a fierce warror.
Daijnámeque: His name meant ‘Witchdoctor’ and he was of the Picanerai Clan, and a fierce warrior.
Oidábiadé – Campo Loro, Paraguay – 1988.
Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.