Oidábiadé – Groups that originated from the Ayoreos

Ayoréode Chisite Rágaja Erámi

The Ayoreos spread out over the whole earth long ago

The Ayoreos believe that other indigenous groups originated from the Ayoré Clans:

  1. The Chulupi tribe, similar in language to the Ayoré, were all of the Chiquenoi Clan long ago.
  2. On the other hand, those of the Picanerai Clan became the Paraguáyans [speakers of Guaraní].
  3. The Chamacóco tribe were of the Étacori Clan. They left long ago. Their Clan name was the same as the Étacorone.
  4. All of the Manjui were of the Posorajãi Clan.

Clan friendships:

  1. The Cutamurajane Clan were friends of the Picanerane Clan.
  2. The Chiquenone Clan were friends of the Posorajane Clan.
  3. The Étacorone Clan were friends of the Dosapéode Clan.
  4. The Jnuruminone Clan have no friends; they are few in number.

Oidábiadé – Campo Loro, Paraguay – 1988.

Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.