Cajoidé – Choosing a cross

Pajñaminone – Curesei

Crosses – Choosing a cross

The game is played like a relay, with the more mature men forming one team, and the younger men another.

This is the way the game begins: a man from each team chooses a cross. They hold up the crosses before throwing them to see which goes the farthest.

It seems this game is played by teams very much like PIQUIEDIE, except it is played by two men at a time.  The stick is formed like the imichiracua, but is about a foot long. (To illustrate this, Cajoidé showed the length as from the tip of his fingers to above the elbow.) And then he said: If a person’s cross goes farther than the other one’s, they win. The winner is rewarded.”

Cajoide – Campo Loro, Paraguay – 1985.

Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.