Ecarai (Davidé) – News about Dupade will reach the whole world

Dupade ujnomei a chise erámi jnese

Some of the signs of Jesus’ coming have already happened:
Jesus said: “When the news about Dupade reaches the whole world – when it reaches the Cojñone and the Ayoréode, and when everyone has heard the news that my Father wants to make everyone in the whole world his countrymen, then my arrival is near.” (Matthew 24:14

You have heard that there are yet many menenéngone (people like the Ayoré), and other people in the world that haven’t heard Dupade’s words, and at one time the Ayoré were among them. Therefore, some of the sayings of Jesus concerning the signs of his arrival have already taken place, because now the Ayoré have heard.

He said another sign of his coming is that the stars will fall from the sky. Another sign of his coming is earthquakes. These are all signs of his coming. It’s exactly what he said long ago.

It’s what he told his disciples when he was still on earth, and they asked him: “Teacher, how long till all of this happens? What are the signs of your arrival and the end of the world?”

But Jesus said to them: “There will be many people who will say to you, I am the Christ that you call your-great-leader! And they are going to fool a lot of people. But when others try to fool you, they will say, ‘Here is Christ!’ Or others might say, ‘Christ is right over there!’ But don’t pay attention to them. That’s because I, who was sent from Dupade, tell you this: God’s sent-one’s coming will be like the lightning that flashes across the sky and it’s over. After this painful time, the sun will die.  The light of the moon will not return to earth again. The stars will also fall from the sky. The whole sky will shake. But the day of my coming, the exact time of my coming, is not known.

The days prior to Jesus’ return will be like the days before the flood:
“The days before the return of Dupade’s sent-one, will be exactly like the days before the flood came and destroyed Noah’s countrymen. All they thought about was gaining a living. Some people’s minds at that time were continually on food, the minds of others were on liquor, others only thought about getting girlfriends or boyfriends, and getting married. But the day came when Noah and his family entered the big boat and were safe. But suddenly the rain came down upon the others and destroyed all of them completely. It is going to be like that when I, the-one-sent from Dupade, comes again for you. Come now and be watchful and ready for my coming!”

Dupade – God
Menenéngone – Tribal people like the Ayoré
Great leader – Lord
Dupade’s-sent-one – Messiah
Cojñone – People not of the Ayoré tribe.
Ayoréode – People of the Ayoré tribe.

Ecarai – Tobité, Bolivia – 1970
Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie