Ecarai (Davidé) – Let’s not dislike those that carry Dupade’s Word

Jé ca yetájo Dupade ujnomei jnungórone ore


I am telling you that we should not dislike those who preach Dupade’s word. Nor should we dislike those who carry Dupade’s word to other places. We should not be like those who lived long ago that hated God’s believers that lived among them. 

The prophet Jeremiah: (Jeremiah 20:1,2) 

We read in the scriptures that they put chains on Jeremiah’s arms and took him away. They did this because they didn’t like what Jeremiah preached to them from Dupade’s word, for he applied what it said to them personally. 

But we should not be like the people in Jeremiah’s day and should not treat anyone like they treated Jeremiah. And we should not hate those among us that believe in Dupade

We know that people are still persecuting Dupade’s people for doing what Dupade instructs them to do. And we should not be like those who put Jeremiah in chains; we should never mistreat any of Dupade’s people, any of those that preach his word, or those that are missionaries. 

Dupade’s word says: “If anyone curses a believer of mine, I will curse that person also.” Therefore, I’m telling you right now, that we must not curse those that believe in Dupade, those that carry his word to other places. 

The Ayoreos knew there was a Dupade: 

You know that our forefathers feared Dupade long ago while they were still in the woods, as did all the other tribal groups. We all knew there was a Dupade, but we had no idea that there was a book with his words. 

But we who are their descendants now know about the things of Dupade, because we have His Book. And in His Book these things are explained, it tells about the things Dupade hates. And we know from reading that book that Dupade is the one who created all things. 

Let’s not disregard what other believers say: 

May none of us disregard what Dupades believers tell us. May none of us curse a believer. That is because that person believes in Dupade

We now know that power and love are both from Dupade, along with all good things. We know this is true because those who carried Dupade’s word to us told us about this. 

The only thing we knew long ago was that there was a Dupade, but we knew nothing about his word. We have only learned about the things of Dupade because we now have his word. And we now know something our forefathers did not know, that Dupade hates sin. He hates disputing and criticizing. He hates disobedience. This Dupade wants good things for us, and he wants us to do good things, and he accepts the things we do that please him. 

Jeremiah suffered for giving the people Dupade’s messages: 

Dupade told Jeremiah: “Go and teach the children of Israel about the things that please me.” So, he went to teach them about these things, but the people of Israel wouldn’t accept his teachings. That’s when they put him in chains and took him to a prison and locked him up. They hated what Dupade had to say, and they hated Dupade’s servant that told them what Dupade said. But Jeremiah wasn’t alone in that prison long ago, Dupade was there with him. And he punished the children of Israel for disregarding the word of their Creator and not obeying what he told them to do. 

This is the end of my message. (Jeremiah 29:11, 12) 


Dupade – God 

Ecarai – Tobité, Bolivia – 1970’s. 

Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.