Dijaide (Josuedé) – I’ll read just a little of Dupade’s words

Garósi to uje yajire Dupade Uruode to 

Dijaide reads the same scripture as Uroi (Danielné)

I’ll read just a little of Dupade’s words, but it’s the same Scripture that Daniélné read this morning. We read the same passages from Dupade’s words but get different meanings from them.

Even though we are few, Dupade is in our presence:

Though our knowledge is little, it’s only right that we teach you because Dupade’s words say that even though we are few, Dupade is in our presence. Even though our understanding is limited, we give to our fellow people what we do understand, and the little becomes much. Dupade does not want us to ignore meetings where his words are taught, because when we get together to hear his words he gives wisdom to us. He gave us our lips, our heads, our understanding, our hearing, our hands, our strength, our joy. And he gave us these good things to use when we share his Word. He didn’t give them to us without a purpose. But Satan is also here among us to erase Dupade’s words.

We use the gifts that Dupade gives us:

But we thank Dupade that we are using Dupade’s gifts so that God won’t lose what he’s given to us humans that he created. Perhaps he will bless us now and cause his power, the Holy Spirit, to come upon us. He told us that his power would come, and he said: “The Holy Spirit is the one that will help you and give you knowledge and understanding.”

Therefore, he is with us, the Holy Spirit, the one that gives us understanding. With our heads we know all things and have understanding because they are gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, there are people who have his gifts, but they do not use them. Dupade gave understanding to them in vain. And nothing comes from his gifts to them at all. They use their gifts to accomplish what Satan wants, things that Dupade does not want. Satan does not use Dupade’s gifts, but some of us do, and we use them for Dupade. 

Dupade is very happy when his gifts are not wasted:

Dupade is happy when his gifts are not lost. He is very pleased with us when we use his gift of understanding, that he has not lost what he’s given us. Dupade has said to people when he blesses them: “I’m going to give you great understanding.” But it’s called cognizance and Dupade gives it to us. But there’s something different, but also a gift that Dupade gives us, that is called wisdom, so that we can be wise. When Dupade gives us wisdom then we are called wise people. Knowledgeable people. When we decide to follow God we are wise. Dupade wants all of us to have cognizance – that comes from him. You know that there are people smarter than we are, but they are not better than we are at all. There are things that we can do that they cannot.

If we want him to, Dupade will give us cognizance or conscience. There is a difference between “conscience” and “science.” Science is the knowledge Dupade gives some people to do and discover great things. Dupade will bless us with these gifts if we want them. When we want them, then we will use them for Him. We thank Dupade this afternoon that despite my words being few he is pleased with them.

Even though there are few of us, we know that he is pleased with us. His word says: “Even though a person might be alone in bed, or alone on a trip, I will help that person. I will help him if he listens to me.”

We are very thankful for these things, that though my knowledge is little, Dupade has not lost that knowledge and understanding that he gave. The little knowledge that we have we give to our fellow-ayoréos and God is please with us. He said: “Even though your knowledge is small, you have shared what you believe with your fellow ayoréos.”

Don’t think you are great teachers:

On the other hand, someone might have great knowledge, but it accomplishes nothing if he doesn’t use it to teach others. If he doesn’t believe in Dupade, his knowledge is also worthless. Someone might we intelligent, but nothing comes from it. Today, he might be acclaimed as intelligent, but Dupade looks away from him. Dupade has nothing to do with him because that person does not believe in him.

Dupade’s words say: “Don’t think you are a great teacher. This is a wrong attitude, according to Dupade. Don’t lord it over people.” You know that when someone is a real leader, he doesn’t brag about being a great teacher. He knows what Dupade’s word’s say about wanting to be the big boss, and he understands that it is something we should not do. And as believers, we should obey Dupade. We should not want to be greater than others. We should be a teacher not a boss of those we teach.

We are thankful for this little teaching from Dupade’s words. This is all I have to say to us this afternoon. But maybe someone else is here who would like to share a little of Dupade’s words with us, and if so, feel free to do so.


Dupade – God

Dupade Ujopié Espiritu Santo – God’s power the Holy Spirit

Dupade’ Words – God’s Word

Josuedé – Father of Josué, the name that Dijaide took when his son was born

Dijaide – Tobité, Bolivia – 1970’s.

Transcribed and translated to English by: Maxine Morarie.